Solar Farm PV Array by Energi
Preferable locations:
- 25 acres to 250 acres required for 5MW to 50MW photovoltaic array
- Suitable access for HGV’s for construction
- Avoid visually sensitive sites
- Avoid designated land – e.g. SSSI, AONB, Green Belt & High Flood Risk
- Not within 1km of a scheduled monument or visible from a Grade 1 listed building
- Near to a suitable 33kV point of electrical connection (POC) to the grid, such as a Bulk Supply Point, Primary Substation or 33kV HV overhead line (11kV POC for 5-8MW and 132kV POC for 30MW & above)
Typical commercial arrangement for landowner:
- For 5MW array typically £15,000 rent per annum – requires > 25 acres
- 15MW array typically £52,000 per annum – requires > 75 acres
- 50MW array typically £180,000 per annum – requires > 250 acres
- Legal & Professional fees paid up to £5,000
- 35 year lease term index linked to RPI with option for a further 5 + 5 years
- Zero cost to landowner
- Sheep grazing permitted within PV array